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MLM plans or Multi Level Marketing plans are the compensation plans used in the network marketing business. MLM companies works according to the network marketing plans.

MLM Software Plans followed by different MLM companies vary from business to business. A major problem with the horde of MLM business software available in the market today is that they are designed generally for all MLM plans. As you are well aware, each MLM business is distinct and operate under diverse MLM plans. There is hardly any such software that are exclusively designed to suit this assortment of MLM business plans.



As we, at Lead MLM understand, each and every MLM business is unique and have distinct business plans and business models. When you opt for one of those general MLM software, you do not get a bespoke solution to suit your business model.

Your IT team will have to customize the software as per the requirements of your particular set of MLM plans.

This becomes an added burden to the IT team, despite having spent valuable resources on software in the first place. This issue has been overlooked by most of the software makers because of their lack of domain knowledge about the philosophy of MLM.


Each and every MLM business plan is unique and requires unique software solutions with the right algorithms that suit them. When this is not the case, you cannot expect a robust IT infrastructure to support your business.

Oftentimes, customizing the base software architecture to suit your individual MLM plans is a laborious task and can sometimes take months to get them to fall into place.

The tediousness of this process can cause errors in financial calculations, resulting in loss of revenue from your otherwise profitable MLM business.

Such errors may not only cause discrepancies in the accounting of various MLM plans, but can also trigger bugs in your software.

All this will ultimately lead to causing you more harm than help in your business. That is a risk you cannot take in the running of a profitable business.




The MLM Binary plan is most preferable and popular plan among the MLM companies. To explain to briefly, a Binary MLM plan, as the name suggests, allows you to have only 2 direct down lines (Right leg & Left leg ) in your network. Very easy to use and highly profitable for users and plans owners

Compensation in a Binary Plan MLM

  • Binary / Pairing bonus
  • Referral bonus / Sponsor bonus
  • Matching bonus
  • Rank achiever bonus



Matrix MLM plan, also known as Forced Matrix plan is a most common type of MLM plan. In this plan, there is a limit in sponsoring downline members both in width and depth and normally indicates as Width x Depth. Examples are 3 x 3, 3 x 4, 4 x 4 etc. Its also called Ladder Plan

Compensation in a Gifts Plan MLM

  • Matrix bonus
  • Matrix-Level bonus
  • Referral / Sponsor bonus
  • Matching bonus



In a Unilevel compensation plan you don’t build legs – you build levels. So every recruit you sponsor will fall on your forehead (i.e. no spillover). Your first level is everyone that you’ve personally sponsored. When your reps sponsor someone, that person becomes part of your second level, and so forth.

Compensation in a Unilevel Plan MLM

  • Pool Bonus
  • Level bonus
  • Fast start bonus
  • Referral / Sponsor bonus



Monoline Business Plan is also called Single Leg Business Plan. This MLM business plan is an attractive compensation plan as there is no limit or there is no mandatory level for the compensation plan to work. Timing is important in this plan as it is completely based on the first come first serve method…..

Compensation in a Monoline Plan MLM

  • Rejoin Bonus
  • Matching bonus
  • Rank achiever bonus
  • Referral / Sponsor bonus



The Investment plan is one of the impressive MLM business Plan which helps to generate indirect income. Multi-Level marketing companies which follow the MLM Investment Plan offer a daily based percentage to the downline members on the basis of their investment….

Compensation in a Investment Plan MLM

  • Referral / Sponsor bonus
  • Matching bonus
  • Investment return bonus
  • Rank achiever bonus



Gift plan is based on the concept of offering / delivering gifts to someone and receiving it from another person. Gift Plan is widely called as Donation Plan as it is totally working on sending gifts to a single person which is highlighted by the MLM industry and receiving gifts from multiple of members….

Compensation in a Gifts Plan MLM

  • Referral / Sponsor bonus
  • Matching bonus
  • Gift bonus
  • Rank achiever bonus



The Party plan is a method of marketing products by hosting what is presented as a social event at which products will be offered for sale. It is a form of direct selling. The primary system for generating sales leads for home party plan sales is the home party itself…

Compensation in a Party Plan MLM

  • Referral / Sponsor bonus
  • Matching bonus
  • Party bonus
  • Rank achiever bonus



is one of the oldest compensation plans available. Stair Step Compensation plan has many similarities with the Unilevel Compensation plan. Members are allowed to sponsor an unlimited amount of frontline distributors/associates. As the term states, this is actually when a group “breaks-away” from the up line organization that they are apart of….

Compensation in a Stair Step Plan MLM

  • Referral / Sponsor bonus
  • Matching bonus



The MLM Generation Plan is an advertising plan based upon profit sharing. This Generation Plan best suited for the company who manufacturer of consumable products and want to sale their products directly to the end users….

Compensation in a Generation Plan MLM

  • Referral / Sponsor bonus
  • Matching bonus
  • Generation commissions
  • Rank achiever bonus


  • Binary MLM Plan: Most prevailing and basic plan in the MLM Plans, which is highly profitable for the users. A binary MLM plan contains two legs -right and left legs and each node in the leg will be added a subtree (left or right side). The plan basically is suited to build equal distribution among the earnings.
  • Matrix MLM Plan: Matrix MLM Business plan is the celebrated and prevalent trendy MLM plan widely acceptable in the market.  It is also called the forced Matrix MLM Plan. A Matrix Plan MLM has a pyramid structure, where there are few restrictions in adding up more members in the downline. Its peculiar style, which depicts the shape of a Pyramid, it is also known as Ladder MLM Plan.
  • Monoline MLM Plan – As the name indicates, this particular MLM Plan has only a single leg associated and the tree branches only in the straight line creating downline. It is one of the simplest and easy to understand the plan.
  • Investment MLM Plan- Indirect income becomes the selling point of this kind of MLM Plan. For every investment made in the plan, they gain a profit.
  • Generation MLM Plan – Generation MLM Plan is completely based on the generations. Each generation can contain an upline or a down-line giving a vast generation of opportunities to get paid well.
  • Stair Step MLM Plan – Also known as stair step breakaway plan, one of the oldest plans in use and still prevailing. Here once the down-line grows larger, it breaks away from the node and creates another downline who can earn a larger income, as the downline increases.
  • Donation MLM Plan – Primarily also called the Gift Plan MLM, is the newest addition to MLM Plans basically aiming to gain profit from crowdfunding platforms. The person simply earns when gifting.
  • Unilevel MLM Plan – Unilevel MLM Plan has an unrestricted width plan, which allows you to sponsor more than one distributors to down-line, unlike the Matrix MLM Plan. Hence there is no spill over, and all the sponsors occupy the front line. Big or small, companies can make use of this plan.


People at Lead MLM have been the first to have thought about these issues. Having constituted also of MLM professionals with thorough domain knowledge in all the nuances of the MLM philosophy, team Lead MLM understands MLM business like nobody else among software developers.

That is why we have been able to offer customized software packages to suit all types of MLM plans.



Have a look at our distinct software solutions for various types MLM plans listed below and you will understand that we have left no stones unturned or left anything to chance.

This also allows you to choose the right software solution that suits your specific MLM plan or host of MLM plans.

Sometimes, you might need only the Binary MLM plan, the Unilevel MLM plan or the Monoline MLM plan to start with. Maybe you will require all three together in a later stage.

And only when your business grows through a couple of years or so, you will require complex plans like Investment MLM plan or Stair Step MLM plan.

Whatever be your projected business strategy, you will always find the right software solution with Lead MLM.


Click below to know more and keep yourself updated about the latest trends and news in the world of Multi-level Marketing. We welcome businessmen, professionals and enthusiasts alike to explore our blog section. We will also share interesting company news here. So watch this space

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