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Countries with Most MLM Distributors

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The World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA) determines that retail sales rose 6.5 % to $182.8 billion in 2018, up from $171.8 billion in 2015, with all regions and three-quarters of direct selling countries posting profits. The total salesforce grew by 3.5 % in 2015 to 99.7 million people, up from 96.5 million in 2016. All of which lights the stage for coming geographic shifts in business dominance.



Multi-level Marketing (MLM), also termed Network Marketing, is a direct selling method through a network of distributors. People recruited as independent distributors sell the company’s products or services. The main focus is on recruiting downlines and selling as much as you can to earn more commission. Studies have found that these statistics seem to be the general agreement.




Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a scheme that sells products and services through a non-salaried workforce by following a commission system. Companies that implement multi-level marketing encourage existing distributors to recruit new distributors, known as the downline of the existing distributors.



The best 10 countries revenue growth rate (in percentage) for markets in 5 years (2015-2020) are:

1. United States : 5 %
2. Japan : 19 %
3. United Kingdom : – 2 %
4. Brazil : 6 %
5. Italy : 37 %
6. Germany : 18 %
7. France : 11 %
8. Canada : 29 %
9. Taiwan : 12 %
10. China : 11 %




Even if Multi-Level Marketing is not a significant income source in China, it is still rising on the marketing radar. The government ordered that MLM Companies with only legit and robust marketing guidelines are allowed to work legally. China’s $30 billion sales in 2015, was recorded by the WFDSA.

Top MLM firms succeeded in China:

1. Nu skin.
2. Winalite International.
3. Pro-Health Ltd.
4. Menard.
5. Nature’s Sunshine.

Nu Skin company is a MLM company based in China. It has a labour population of almost 1.4 billion (as of 2019). Shockingly, China did not make 1st Rank on this list. Now, Direct Selling fits nicely into China’s current market and cultural vision. The person-to-person interactions dovetail with the cultural aspect of doing business with people you know.




In Taiwan, around 12% of the population is involved in MLM Business. In 2019, Taiwan instituted the Multi-Level Marketing Governing Act. This is a way for the government to ensure that specific guidelines are followed so consumers are not manipulated to ensure that explicit procedures are followed. Hence, customers are not misled or cheated.

Best MLM Companies flourished in Taiwan:

1. Sam Gui Consulting.
2. Chini Enterprise.
3. Amway .
4. Market America.
5. Herbalife.

Herbalife is a networking mountain that’s famous for its nutritional products. The company was established in the 1980s and is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, and the Cayman Islands. Also, companies such as Amway, Herbalife, and others are doing well in Taiwan.




Canada is no surprise in this list, except the thought it may be higher on the list. MLM is taking a firm root in our northern neighbour. The expansion came when distributors in the US shared with Canadian friends and family. Indeed, there will probably be more and more Canadian based MLM Companies appearing in the future.

Finest MLM Companies in Canada:

1. Amway.
2. Avon.
3. Herbalife.
4. ACN.
5. Mary Kay.

Mary Kay established in 1963. Mary Kay has always been a constant performer when it comes to income among Networking Companies. Moreover, its line of more than 200 prized beauty products, including facial skincare, body care, nail care, and fragrance, is explored by many women worldwide.




MLM Business in France is an exploratory ride. Most people are finding Network Marketing as a vast way to improve their income. France is a country where network marketing has become quite popular with a wide variety of people. And all the products are well received by the consumers.

MLM Companies which thrived in France:

1. Amway.
3. Avon.
4. Forever Living.
5. ACN.

Avon was organised in the 1800s and headquartered in London. Its enduring prominence in the home, health, and beauty business stands up to par with the biggest brands we know today. Avon cosmetics are so widespread that they could even compete with brands like Estée Lauder and L’Oréal.




Germany’s economy floats like a wild stream. Also, there is a substantial American influence with the military bases. MLM has taken hold, and we find that many German entrepreneurs believe it is a great business model.

Best MLM Organisations in Germany are:

1. Lifeplus.
2. PM-International.
3. Amway.
4. Triana.
5. Jafra Cosmetics.

Amway is recognised as the first company ever to adopt a Networking Business Model. Amway is very successful in its line of beauty, health, and wellness products. But apart from its demand for product perfection and quality, the company also draws on a stable backbone.




Italians love Network Marketing. The Italian government has cracked down on some MLM manipulative Companies and lousy business tactics. I believe Italy may climb higher on this list as MLM is a favourite business model in this European country.

Top Italian MLM Companies:

1. Vemma Nutrition.
2. Organo Gold.
3. Asea.
4. Evergreen International.
5. Jeunesse.

Organo Gold is company was a confidentially held Multi-Level Marketing company that traded immunity boosting supplements. Organo is a global leader in ganoderma-enhanced coffee and beverages, offering life changing opportunities with a wide portfolio in all-natural skincare products.




Multi-Level Marketing is enormous and growing in these South American countries every day. Some companies have taken MLM to a whole new level in Brazil. It seems the highest revenue MLM’s in Brazil are s. In 2017, Brazilian men were taking massive participation in this market traditionally led by women.

Best MLM companies based in Brazil:

1. Natura.
2. Yanbal International.
3. Belcorp.
4. Amway.
5. Tupperware.

Tupperware organised in 1946, and chemist Earl Tupper created lightweight, non-breakable plastic containers inspired by the seal-tight design of paint cans. The products were so innovative that customers needed explanations to know how they moulded.




The United Kingdom is a heaven for multi-level marketing companies. Many consumers purchase their goods via MLM instead of shopping at stores. Research recently undertaken by Ipsos MORI outlined that under-34s now make up 23 per cent of those working in direct selling in the UK.

Some of the best MLM companies in the UK are:

1. Herbalife.
2. Arbonne International.
3. Utility Warehouse.
4. Avon.
5. Pampered Chef.

Pampered Chef founder Doris Christopher held her first cooking party in 1980. From that day, they have been stable in their mission to provide cooking utensils that give people more reliance in the kitchen, methods that help families enjoy mealtimes together, and a business possibility that makes each day great for their advisers.




Japan fall to the 2nd Rank in MLM Business. The fact is that people love Multi-Level Marketing in Japan. Companies like Herbalife, Morinda, and Amway do well in Japan. Nearly 80-percent of Japan’s direct sellers are women who do 90% of their business via person-to-person sales, where trust is paramount for success.

Supreme MLM companies in Japan are:

1. Nu Skin.
2. Morinda.
3. Shaklee.
4. Oriflame.
5. Nikken.

Nikken is a company with a converting idea, a global company with a comprehensive, fair and collective trading system. Nikken supports a stable lifestyle through Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy Family, Healthy Society and Healthy Finances. Each product Nikken develops and produces is designed to promote wellness and maintain the benefit of the Global Wellness Community.




Multi-Level Marketing is the business model that many people in the USA have turned to. The last figures I could find showed that approximately 18,200,000 American citizens are in MLM, and the revenue for MLM in the US is around $34.5 Billion.

Leading MLM Companies in the US.

1. Amway.
2. Mary Kay.
3. Avon.
4. Herbalife.
5. Vorwerk.

Vorwerk Network Marketing company is based in Germany. While the rest of the MLM companies in this list staunchly focus on health, beauty, and wellness. Vorwerk offers a significant variation. Its major selling points are household appliances, floor coverings, and carpets.



Most of the countries come close to making this list. As we think, Asian countries have the most consultants in Direct Selling Business. According to the WFDSA, the sales in Asian MLM rose by 2.5 % in 2019 with 1.6 Million traders, American MLM has improved 5.7 % with 33.1 Million traders, and Europe ascended by 4.4 % to 14 million sellers.

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